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Which programming language for mobile applications?

Written by Guarana | Dec 18, 2023 11:22:52 AM

Mobile app development involves a variety of programming languages. Android and iOS, as the leading operating systems, use distinct languages: Java and Kotlin for Android, Swift and Objective-C for iOS.

At the same time, solutions such as React Native or Flutter facilitate cross-platform development with a single code.

Native programming languages for Android

Java - The traditional choice

Historically, Java has been the language of choice for Android development. Initially chosen for its robustness, Java has shaped the Android ecosystem. Its key features include high portability and a vast developer community. 

In addition, Java benefits from a rich set of libraries, simplifying the process of developing complex applications.

However, despite its popularity, Java presents challenges, particularly in terms of performance on devices with limited resources.

Kotlin - Ramping up

At the same time, Kotlin is gaining in popularity for Android development. Adopted by Google in 2017, this language stands out for its simplicity and security. 

What's more, Kotlin ensures full compatibility with Java. This feature greatly facilitates the transition for those with Java experience.

As far as code is concerned, Kotlin reduces boilerplate, which improves readability and maintainability. The term "boilerplate" refers to sections of code that are repetitive and necessary but often non-functional.

By simplifying these aspects, Kotlin helps developers to concentrate more on the specific logic of the application.

As for its nature, its modernity and advanced features make Kotlin attractive for new Android projects.


Native programming languages for iOS

Objective-C - The origin of iOS

Objective-C, the historical language of iOS, was used to develop the first iPhone and iPad applications. 

Despite Swift's growing popularity, Objective-C is still used to maintain older projects. 

When comparing the two, Swift stands out for its more modern, simplified approach, while Objective-C has a more complex syntax. Knowledge of Objective-C remains useful for developers working on large-scale or long-standing iOS projects.

Swift - Apple's Revolution

Swift, introduced by Apple in 2014, marks a significant evolution in iOS development. 

The language is characterized by its speed and efficiency. Moreover, Swift is designed to be more secure and less error-prone than its predecessors. 

In terms of impact, it has greatly simplified the iOS development process. Its clear, concise syntax makes it easier to learn and write code. 

As a result, Swift has rapidly gained favour with developers looking to create modern, high-performance iOS applications.


Multi-platform solutions

JavaScript and React Native

JavaScript, used with React Native, offers an efficient solution for cross-platform development. This combination makes it possible to create applications for Android and iOS with a single set of code. React Native, developed by Facebook, leverages the flexibility of JavaScript. 

It facilitates the creation of native mobile applications using web development techniques. This approach reduces development time and costs while maintaining a high-quality user experience.

Flutter and Dart

Combined with the Dart language, Flutter is a popular option for cross-platform development. This technology, introduced by Google, enables the creation of native mobile applications for Android and iOS from a single source code. Dart, designed to work with Flutter, stands out for its performance and efficiency.

They provide a rapid development environment with a customizable, responsive user interface. 

This combination is particularly appreciated for its ability to produce fluid, visually appealing applications.

Cordova - A versatile solution for mobile application development

Apache Cordova is a robust tool for mobile application development. This framework enables developers to build mobile applications using standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. 

This makes Cordova an attractive solution for projects looking to create a mobile application from existing web resources.

One of Cordova's strengths lies in its ability to access native mobile platform functionality via plugins. 

This allows Cordova applications to use features such as cameras, GPS, and other sensors while remaining a web application in essence.

Moreover, Cordova integrates easily with various development platforms, giving developers the flexibility to work in a familiar environment. This makes it a versatile and accessible tool for many mobile application projects.

The community around Cordova contributes to its constant evolution, providing regular updates and a wide range of plugins. This dynamic ensures that Cordova remains a viable and competitive option in the changing landscape of mobile development.

How do you choose among all these languages?

The choice of a programming language for a mobile application depends on the objective and specific features of the project. For example, to develop a native application, Swift is recommended for iOS, while Kotlin or Java are preferable for Android. 

Desired functionalities like integrating artificial intelligence or machine learning may point towards specific languages like Python.

Developers' familiarity with a language also influences their choice. Moreover, opting for a language already well mastered by the team significantly improves productivity.

The tools and frameworks associated with each language are also key elements, influencing ease of development and application maintenance.

Finally, it's important to consider the operating systems' current trends and future requirements on the targeted platforms. 

Keep abreast of technological developments to ensure your application's long-term compatibility and relevance.

Java (Android)

  • Strengths: Large community, robust tools for native development, rich libraries.
  • Cons: Less optimal performance on devices with low operating resources.

Kotlin (Android)

  • Benefits: Code simplification for native projects, improved security, and compatibility with the Java ecosystem.
  • Cons: Need to adapt for developers accustomed only to Java.

Swift (iOS)

  • Benefits: Efficiency and speed for native applications, improved security management, and modern development tools.
  • Cons: Platform restricted, learning required for Objective-C developers.

Objective-C (iOS)

  • Strong points: Relevant for maintaining long-standing projects, an integral part of the platform's history.
  • Disadvantages: Higher complexity than Swift, a challenge for new developers.

React Native (Multiplateforme)

  • Benefits: Ability to develop on multiple platforms with a single JavaScript code base, efficient sharing between iOS and Android.
  • Cons: May encounter performance challenges in specific cases. Extensions need to be used to enhance application capabilities.

Flutter (Multiplateforme)

  • Strong points: High performance for native applications, responsive user interface, and support for a fast-growing framework.
  • Cons: Less seniority and maturity in the mobile framework ecosystem, learning Dart necessary.

Cordova (Multiplateforme)

  • Strong points: Use of standard web technologies for mobile application development and access to native functionalities via plugins.
  • Cons: Less optimal performance than native applications. Heavy reliance on the plugin ecosystem for advanced feature integration.