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Why learn Kotlin?

Written by Guarana | May 24, 2024 6:32:28 PM

Kotlin is a programming language that combines functionality and simplicity. Used by developers worldwide, it has established itself as the leading tool for Android application development. 

History of Kotlin

The origins of Kotlin

Developed by JetBrains in 2011, Kotlin was conceived as a response to the perceived limitations of Java, in particular, the verbosity of its code and the challenges associated with null handling. These issues, frequently encountered by Java developers, could often lead to costly programming errors and complications when developing applications.

The name "Kotlin" comes from the island of Kotlin near St. Petersburg, where the founders of JetBrains used to visit. 

This choice reflects the idea of connection and accessibility, values that JetBrains wanted to imprint on this new language. With its focus on simplicity and efficiency, Kotlin was designed to improve developer productivity by enabling them to write more concise, clearer and less error-prone code.

Kotlin vs. Java

Although Kotlin is often portrayed as a "better Java," it is not simply an improved version of the Java language but rather an entirely new language that coexists and interacts with Java. Kotlin is designed to be fully interoperable with Java, allowing developers to use both languages in the same project without compromise. This interoperability provides a significant advantage, especially in migrating Java applications to Kotlin.

Kotlin adoption by Google

An important milestone in Kotlin's history was its adoption by Google as the language of choice for Android development at the 2017 Google I/O conference. This recognition not only validated Kotlin as a top-tier programming language for mobile applications but also accelerated its adoption within the Android developer community.

The integration of Kotlin into Android development has paved the way for more robust applications, thanks to features like type safety and extension functions, allowing developers to elegantly and efficiently extend the functionalities of existing classes.

Kotlin today

Since its introduction, Kotlin has continued to evolve and expand far beyond mobile. It's now used for back-end development, web front-end development with Kotlin/JS, and even cross-platform applications, including for iOS, thanks to Kotlin Multiplatform. 

Frameworks and libraries, such as Ktor for server applications and Jetpack Compose for modern UIs, have also contributed to Kotlin's expansion into different areas of software development.

The growing Kotlin community and ongoing support from JetBrains and Google ensure that Kotlin remains at the cutting edge of programming technology, making it an essential choice for developers seeking to improve productivity and application quality.

The benefits of Kotlin

Concise and clean syntax

Kotlin stands out for its clean, concise syntax, making it particularly attractive to developers looking to write clearer, more robust code.

Compared with Java, Kotlin reduces the amount of "boilerplate code", i.e. repetitive code that doesn't add functional value but is necessary for the program to work.

This reduction in redundancy not only speeds up the development process but also reduces the risk of errors, as less code means less surface area for bugs.

Kotlin's conciseness is evident in several of its features, such as data classes, which allow you to define classes with multiple attributes but very little code, or extension functions, which extend the functionality of existing classes without inheriting them.

In addition, Kotlin supports type inference, which enables the compiler to automatically deduce the data type of a variable, reducing the need for explicit specifications and making code more readable.

Compatibility with Java

One of Kotlin's major strengths is its complete interoperability with Java. This means that Kotlin can use all existing Java libraries, a significant advantage given the huge ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that Java has accumulated over the years.

This feature allows developers to migrate their Java projects to Kotlin gradually, integrating Kotlin code into existing Java applications without needing a complete rewrite.

Kotlin's interoperability with Java extends to all the language's functionalities, enabling developers to mix and match the two languages in the same project while guaranteeing optimum performance.

This is particularly useful in large enterprises, where large Java code bases can be gradually modernized without disrupting ongoing operations.

Type of security

Kotlin has been designed with a robust type system that eliminates several common types of programming error in Java, including null errors. 
In Java, accessing a null object can cause a NullPointerException, a common source of bugs. Kotlin solves this problem by integrating nullity into its type system, requiring developers to explicitly declare that an object can be null (nullable).

This nullity management system improves code reliability by forcing developers to handle null cases explicitly, thus reducing the chances of forgetting to check for a null value.

In addition, Kotlin includes additional type safety features, such as smart casts, which avoid redundant type checks and improve code clarity.
These enhancements make Kotlin a preferred choice for developing robust, secure applications, particularly in environments where security and reliability are critical, such as Android applications or backend servers.

Kotlin in mobile development

Kotlin has changed the face of mobile development, emerging as the language of choice for many Android developers.

Its ease of use, combined with its power, gives developers a more efficient and enjoyable way to build applications.

Clarity and expressiveness

Kotlin's appeal lies in its ease of use. This language allows you to perform the same operations as with Java but with less code. This improves readability and reduces the chance of error.

Lambda expressions, for example, are much cleaner and less complex in Kotlin than in Java. This naturally facilitates common manipulations such as operations on collections.

The language also adopts functional programming principles that encourage more declarative coding. High-level functions and extensions enable developers to create robust abstractions, often with less code and in an intuitive way.

Performance and reliability

Kotlin is not only advantageous in terms of syntax; it also delivers solid performance because it is compiled as Java bytecode, thus operating on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

This enables it to utilize JVM optimizations while offering incremental compilation, speeding up development without compromising performance.


Is Kotlin difficult to learn for a programming beginner?

No, Kotlin is designed to be accessible and has a relatively gentle learning curve.

Can I use Kotlin for iOS app development?

Yes, with Kotlin Multiplatform, it is possible to develop applications for iOS and Android.

What are the prerequisites for learning Kotlin?

A basic understanding of programming is helpful, but many guided resources are available for beginners.

Is Kotlin free?

Yes, Kotlin is an open-source programming language.