Do you want to develop your mobile application but are unsure which technology to choose? The decision can be complex, especially if you are unfamiliar with the specifics of each type of application.

This article provides an overview and understanding of native, hybrid, and web applications.

What is a native application?

A native application is specifically designed for a particular mobile operating system. It is developed in a programming language native to that platform, meeting its specific requirements.

For example, a native application for Android will be coded in Java or Kotlin, while an iOS application will use Swift or Objective-C.

To offer the same application on both platforms, it is necessary to create two separate versions, each using technologies specific to its environment.

Once developed, the application is installed directly on the user's mobile device, whether it's a phone or tablet.


Advantages of native applications

Native applications, coded in a native language, provide several advantages:

  • Optimal Performance: These applications easily access all available features such as the camera, GPS, microphone, and other sensors.

  • Speed and Responsiveness: Thanks to their specific design, they ensure better responsiveness and higher resolution.

  • Offline Functionality: They do not always require an internet connection to function.

  • Access to Advanced APIs and SDKs: Developers can utilize tools provided by operating system editors to add advanced features and fully exploit the capabilities of these environments.

    For example, a native application can use specific APIs to access facial recognition, motion sensors, or augmented reality.

  • Better User Experience (UX): Native applications adopt design and interaction elements specific to each operating system, such as buttons, menus, and gestures.

    For instance, an iOS native application can use Apple's swipe gestures and visual design, while an Android application can integrate Google's Material Design.

    This approach provides a consistent and intuitive interface because users are already familiar with the interactions and appearance of their devices.

  • Hardware Compatibility: Native applications can leverage specific hardware capabilities of the device, such as biometric sensors or augmented reality (AR) technologies.

  • Easy Support and Maintenance: Operating system updates are quickly supported, and native applications often receive better support.

Disadvantages of native applications

Despite their numerous advantages, native applications have some drawbacks:

  • High Development Time and Cost: Creating an application for each platform (iOS and Android) is time-consuming and requires additional resources, increasing costs.

  • Difficulty in Simultaneous Publication: Publishing an application on multiple platforms simultaneously can be complex and time-consuming.

  • Complex and Costly Maintenance: The need to maintain separate codebases for each platform naturally leads to higher maintenance costs.

  • Limited Developer Availability: Finding experienced developers in Swift, Objective-C, Java, or Kotlin may be more challenging and costly than for more common web technologies.

  • Risks from Operating System Updates: New versions of operating systems can introduce changes that require expensive and rapid adaptations of the application to ensure compatibility.

  • Dependence on App Stores: Native apps must comply with app store policies and approval processes such as the App Store and Google Play, which can lead to delays and unforeseen complications.

What is a hybrid application?

A hybrid application combines elements of native development and web technology. It integrates features of a native application with those of a Progressive Web App (PWA). As a result, it can leverage mobile phone functionalities and be distributed across different app platforms.

Advantages of hybrid applications

  1. Rapid and Cost-Effective Development: Hybrid application development is simplified with a single codebase. This approach helps control costs and accelerates the development cycle.

  2. Use of Common Programming Languages: Technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are widely known and accessible.

  3. Reduced Creation and Deployment Costs: Writing code once saves time and reduces expenses related to development and deployment across different platforms.

Disadvantages of hybrid applications

  1. Interface and User Experience Limitations: While hybrid application performance approaches that of native applications, implementing complex displays can be challenging. Additionally, a hybrid application cannot communicate with other applications on the mobile phone.

  2. Performance and Technical Complexity: Performance may be inferior to that of a native application, especially for applications requiring significant resources. Technical complexity also increases with the need to optimize for different platforms.

  3. Limited Interaction: They cannot always communicate with other mobile phone applications.

What is a web application?

A web application, or Progressive Web App (PWA), is accessible via a web browser. Unlike a native mobile application, the user does not need to install this type of application on their mobile device. Development is done with web technologies such as HTML5, and updates are made directly on the server.

Advantages of web applications

  1. Reduced Cost: Development and maintenance are less expensive.
  2. Quick Deployment: Updates are instantaneous and easy to manage.
  3. Portability: Accessible from any device with a browser.
  4. Security and Backup: Data is automatically backed up, and security is centrally managed.

Disadvantages of web applications

  1. Internet Dependency: Requires an internet connection to function.
  2. Limited Access to Device Features: Has limited access to the device's functionalities compared to native applications.

Making the Right Choice

To choose the right technology, it is important to define your priorities:

  • Budget: What is the budget allocated for development?
  • Features: What features are necessary?
  • Target Audience: What is the primary platform of your users?
  • Available Time: What is your launch schedule?

In summary, native applications are suitable for optimal performance and advanced features, but at a higher cost.

Hybrid applications offer a good compromise in terms of cost and development speed but may sacrifice performance.

Web applications are economical and quick to deploy but require an internet connection and have limited access to device features.

Choosing the right technology depends on your specific needs and constraints.