We are a full-stack Javascript agency based in Toronto & Montreal.

How can your business leverage JavaScript?
When it comes to web development, JavaScript has been a promising programming language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production. The majority of websites employ it, and all modern web browsers support it without the need for plug-ins by means of a built-in JavaScript engine. Additionally, thanks to Node.js, we’re able to bring the speed and performance of JavaScript to the back-end.
Our team of JavaScript programmers are highly skilled and ready to take on your project.

Our expertise with JavaScript

Font-End Development
We believe careful consideration of every detail is vital and really important for the user experience. Our development team is highly skilled in enriching the user experience through animations and feedback to user input.

Back-End Development
Developing custom projects from single-page applications to high-traffic e-commerce platforms is our area of expertise. Some of our core services: SOLID Development, RESTFul API, Scalable Architecture, Third-party Integrations.

Our Front End Development Stack
Our highly skilled developers work with the most used frameworks in the market like Angular, jQuery, and React. Whatever your need is, we can definitely help you to bring your idea to life!

Our Back-End Development Competence

Our team love using Node.js for the back end of our projects. Not only it deals with APIs (or real-time web programming) but you it has a rich set of areas driving open source modules. Node.js apps produce a high amount of traffic and are highly scalable.