Android application development isn't just a technical skill; it's a gateway to an extremely lucrative global market. With over 2.5 billion active users worldwide, the Android platform represents a dominant share of the mobile operating system market.

This ubiquity translates into a constant demand for new applications, ranging from simple utility tools to sophisticated games, educational and productivity applications.

As an Android developer, the career opportunities are vast and varied.

Whether you're working freelance, for an innovative start-up, or within a large corporation, Android development skills open doors to exciting projects and stimulating challenges.

Here's a guide to help you get started and understand how to develop an Android application.

How to effectively develop for an Android application?

Java vs Kotlin

In the development of an Android mobile application, two languages stand out: Java, which has long been the cornerstone of Android development, and Kotlin, a more recent newcomer that has quickly gained popularity.

In 2017, Google officially recognized Kotlin as the preferred development language for Android applications, a position that was previously held by Java. This decision is significant and reflects the numerous advantages that Kotlin offers.

Simplicity and conciseness

Kotlin is appreciated for its clear, concise syntax, which reduces the amount of code needed to accomplish the same tasks as Java.

This reduction in verbosity not only makes code more readable but also reduces the likelihood of errors and bugs. For example, Kotlin avoids null pointer errors thanks to its type system, which clearly distinguishes between types that can and cannot be null.

Intercompatibility with Java

One of the great advantages of Kotlin is its full interoperability with Java. Thus, it is possible to gradually integrate it into existing Java projects without requiring a complete rewrite.

This feature allows teams to benefit from the language's advantages while retaining their existing codebase, thereby facilitating a smooth transition.


Kotlin also offers enhanced security features. For example, its exception handling explicitly forces you to deal with potential errors.

Its null-safety type system helps prevent common programming errors that can lead to application crashes.

These features make applications written in this language more stable and robust.

Modernity and community support

As a more modern language, Kotlin benefits from the support of a dynamic and growing community. It has access to a wide range of updated resources and libraries that continue to evolve to meet the challenges of Android development.

Essential tools

In the mobile development of Android applications, some tools not only facilitate the creation, management, and testing of applications but also offer a set of features designed to make development faster. Here are a few examples:

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for creating an Android application. It provides an intuitive user interface for coding, testing, and debugging your applications.

Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA, a popular IDE for Java development, providing a robust suite of coding, refactoring and code analysis tools. It also incorporates an emulator for testing applications on various types of Android device without the need for physical hardware, as well as a management system for viewing different versions of your application.

SDK Android

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a complete set of development tools, including libraries, a debugger, an emulator, relevant documentation, code examples, and tutorials.

This kit is essential for accessing the latest APIs provided by Google, enabling the exploitation of hardware and software functionalities of Android. The SDK is regularly updated to support the latest versions of Android.

Different APIs available

APIs enable integrating advanced features into applications using existing tools. For instance, Google provides APIs for services like Maps, location services, Google Pay payments, and Firebase authentication. These tools simplify adding complex features to apps without extra development.


Gradle is a build management and automation system that is used by default in Android Studio. It allows, among other things, the configuration of complex build processes through automated scripts.

This simplifies tasks such as code compilation, resource packaging and dependency management. Gradle makes it easy to create versions of the mobile application for different types of user (e.g., development versions and production versions).

Git for version control

Git is a version control system that simplifies tracking and managing changes in the source code. By integrating Git into Android Studio, it becomes easier for development teams to collaborate and work together on the same project without causing conflicts.

Database Management


SQLite is an extremely lightweight database management system that does not require a separate server to operate. This feature makes it ideal for Android applications that require a local database for data storage.

Using SQLite allows developers to store and retrieve data in a structured manner directly on the user's device.

This includes the ability to manage user data, preferences, or application states without requiring a continuous internet connection.


Regarding Firebase, it offers a suite of hosted real-time database services that facilitate the development of interactive applications. Unlike SQLite, which is suitable for local data, Firebase allows data synchronization in real-time across all clients of an application, including web browsers and mobile devices.

This is particularly useful for applications requiring user collaboration or instant data updates, such as instant messaging or online games.

Firebase automates network connection management and restarts operations once the connection has been re-established, simplifying the development of robust, responsive applications.

User Interface Design

Design principles

The Material Design principles are a set of guidelines that promote coherent, visually appealing design on Android platforms. 

This design language emphasizes the use of grids, spacing, animated transitions and depth effects such as shadows and highlights, aiming to produce interfaces that are not only functional but also intuitive and responsive. 

By following these principles, developers can create applications that offer a seamless user experience. Also, adopting Material Design helps to ensure that the application will behave predictably on various Android devices, increasing its portability and ease of use.

UI Design Tools

Design professionals often use tools such as Sketch and Adobe XD to create user interface designs that respect these principles. Sketch, designed specifically for the Mac, enables the creation of prototypes and mock-ups.

Adobe XD, available for both Windows and Mac, provides similar functionality and also enables the creation of animations and interactive transitions, ideal for visualizing the final user experience. 

These tools enable designers to work more precisely and collaboratively, as they facilitate the sharing and receipt of real-time feedback, essential for rapidly iterating designs in line with project requirements.

Launching your Android mobile application on the store

To publish an Android mobile app on the Google Play Store, you must adhere to guidelines on content and app quality

Before submission, it is important to verify that the application does not contravene any content policy, including restrictions on explicit content, discrimination, harmful behaviour and malware.

Before submission, it is important to check that the application does not contravene any of Google's content policies, including restrictions on explicit content, discrimination, harmful behaviour and malware.

This includes application details, such as title, description, main features and screenshots. It is also necessary to define the monetization terms, whether it's a free application with integrated purchases or a paid-for application.

Legal aspects

When publishing an application, it's important to consider legal aspects such as copyright and user privacy. This involves checking that the application does not infringe any intellectual property rights and that third-party content is properly authorized.

In addition, developers must comply with current data protection laws. In Canada, this means complying with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which regulates the collection, use and disclosure of personal data for commercial purposes.

Respecting these standards ensures that the application complies with existing legal frameworks and avoids future legal complications.

Maintenance and updates

It's important to update your application with the latest security patches to protect users against potential threats. Also, continuing to develop and enhance your application with new features helps to maintain user interest.

This includes introducing new features, improving the user interface, or optimizing the mobile application's performance.

Each update is an opportunity to upgrade your app, increase its usefulness and make it more attractive to a wider audience.

It also helps you stand out in a competitive market by responding to changing user expectations and incorporating the latest technological innovations.



Integrating advertisements is a frequently used strategy for generating revenue from an application without imposing direct costs on users. This method displays ads in various forms, such as banners, interstitials or rewarded videos, within the app.

By collaborating with specialized mobile ad networks, app creators can leverage their audiences by monetizing user engagement without compromising the overall experience.

In-app purchases

In-app purchases give users the opportunity to purchase additional features, exclusive content or resources within the application, enhancing their experience or progression within the application.

This method can take various forms, including the sale of virtual goods, such as points, exclusive levels or character customizations. In-app purchases not only help to increase revenues directly, but also engage users further by providing them with ongoing customization and enhancement options.


How to develop your mobile app?

Using a specialized agency

For those who need a complete service or for more complex projects, calling in a specialized agency may be the best solution.

An agency not only provides access to a multidisciplinary team, including developers, designers and marketing specialists, but also manages the project from A to Z.

Our agency, for example, has all the human and material resources required to develop mobile applications, whether for Android or iOS. 

Hire a freelance developer

If you have a limited budget, a freelance developer may be a more economical solution.

Good to know

Specialized skills: Evaluate the freelancer's skills and professional experience. A CV may look impressive, but a check of the developer's actual skills and ability to meet your needs is recommended.

Costs and deadlines: The cost of freelance mobile application development will depend on the project's complexity. It is advisable to clearly discuss deadlines and budget forecasts before starting the project.

Maintenance and scalability: Before finalizing an agreement, discuss arrangements for application maintenance. Indeed, developing a mobile application is not limited to initial programming but includes maintenance, bug fixing, updates and adjustment to new trends and technologies.

Using an application builder (App Builder)

Finally, application builders are platforms that allow you to create applications using visual tools without writing code. 

These solutions can be particularly useful for simple projects or for those wishing to quickly get a working version of their application up and running.